Cam Ranh ICD is located in Da Bac village, Cam Linh ward, Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam.
- Distance of 19 km from Cam Ranh International Airport
- Cam Ranh ICD is closely contiguous to Cam Ranh Port . This is the sea port with long jetty 308 meters, depth of 11.6 meters in front of jetty , depth of 10.2 meters channel.
- Cam Ranh ICD is closely to the 1A National Highway so it should be able to receive goods in specialized transport vehicles coming from the Central and Central Highlands provinces in/out ICD conveniently.
- Cam Ranh ICD is 5 km far from North-South railway with the Nga Ba Railway Station, it is very convenient for logistics operations to connect between railway and ocean transport.
CAM RANH ICD view from satellite.